Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Field Day

This is Field Day.
At the end of my school year I have a party called Field Day.

These are my friends and myself.
The one that is on the bottom is Alexis.
The one that is on the top is Ruby.
We all had fun at Field Day!

We had to splash water at eachother with a spunge,
and use the shield to block the water.

This is the Tornato slide.
You go down the slide aand splash into a bunch of water.

This is Body Boppers.
You try to knock the other porson
down with the donut shaped tubes.
It was a little hard.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

My Triathlon




I  finished!
Best friend

I had a fun time!
My  time was 21:35
bike 7:38
swim  2:11
run  8:12
I was 16th out of 33.
It was fun doing it with my friends.
((And MOM))